July 5, 2006 at 11:19 pm
· Filed under Family
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We went to Braydon’s Christening at Barker College a couple of weekends ago (where we used to go to school). For those who don’t know, Braydon is Matthew (Rachel’s brother) & Sally’s second child.
And here’s a picture of us (more recent than the picture in the welcome post).
July 5, 2006 at 10:15 pm
· Filed under General
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Hi everyone, and welcome to our blog!
This is going to be about us - what our family is up to, pictures of the kids, etc. Don’t worry - it won’t be about Nev’s geeky stuffy - he’s got another blog for all that.
For those of you who don’t know what a blog is, it’s basically just an online journal. The cool thing is that it’s all in one place rather than spread out over separate emails and you can read it at your leisure. And if you get really enthusiastic, techno savvy and start reading other blogs, you can use a blog reader such as bloglines. That way, you’ll automatically be notified whenever we post something new.